
1994 Bolt galéria Nyitó kiállitás


András Bozsó, Jenõ Detvay, Imre Drégely, Ágnes Eperjesi Tibor Várnagy, Márta Fehér, István Halas, Gábor Kerekes, Minyo Szert Károly, Lenke Szilágyi


The Bolt Gallery has been operating since 8th September, 1994, when it was the first and only photogallery in Budapest. The gallery was founded with the aim of supporting photographers, painters and artists using photographic techniques and working on the borderland between fine arts and photography.
The Bolt organized 93 exhibitions in Hungary and in abroad with the works hungarian photographers since 2oo2. The main intention of the gallery, to do a good promotional work and public relations for Hungarian contemporary arts, firstly towards european countries. The most important part during this work to publishing the catalogues. A catalogue /Hungarian, French, English/ is published for almost every exhibition so far 57 pieces, from a unique document of Hungarian contemporary photography. The format is A/5, 16 - 36 pages, duplex and color printed. These little books working as a moving galleries. You can order the Bolt catalogues.
Organising exchange-exhibitions with foreign galleries with a similar artistic conception is one of the most important long-term plans.
Tha Saison Hongrois in France was a great possibility for the Bolt gallery to show their artistic work. The Bolt made 6 exhibitions on the season was 42O photographs. There is a collection of Bolt, which including more than 1oo images and it is ready to go on show.
Contemporary Hungarian Photography Book. The Bolt Gallery published a book on this topic, there is a foreword in Hungarian, French, English, and German, with 266 pages, 11 artists, 12o pieces photographs. The books are numbered.

Szombathy Bálint irása